Want to try a new e-liquid flavour but not sure how to decide out of our 40+ options? Try leaving the decision “up to the stars”. While flavours and zodiac sign compatibility don’t truly limit you in any way, at the very least, we’d like to propose a flavour or two you might not regularly pick yourself.
Read below to find our recommended flavours based on your zodiac sign.
Aries (March 21 - April 19)
Being the first of the zodiac pack, Aries is no stranger to competition. In fact, your bold personality welcomes anything that triggers your boldness and bravery. For that reason, Ice is your flavour. Ice is a satisfying flavour that both keeps you alert and has a bite to it. You could also try TigerBlood because, well, need we say more?
Taurus (April 20 - May 20)
Your vibes are all about peace of mind, relaxation and luxury. Taurus requires succulent flavours that can be indulged, without being too overwhelming to throw off their pursuit of serenity. An e-liquid with infused flavours will suit you well. We recommend Berry Lemonade and Apple Peach Pear to start.
Gemini (May 21 - June 20)
The gem’s of the zodiac require not one or two e-liquid flavours on hand, but three minimum. Air signs relish in variety and different moods call for different flavours. Gemini’s need to have one of each category on hand at all times for ultimate satisfaction. One sour flavour, one sweet and one neutral flavour. Sour Apple, Strawberry and Menthol infused flavours will do the job.
Cancer (June 21 - July 22)
The crabs of the zodiac radiate warmth in every way. From freely sharing your great sense of humour with strangers to cooking meals for friends just because - sunny and soothing flavours embody you perfectly. Juicy Peach, Vanilla, and Tropical blends are right up your alley.
Leo (July 23 - August 22)
Rolling out the red carpet for themselves on a daily basis, Leo’s have no fear in commanding attention. Everything they do is done with passion and they believe a little drama isn’t necessarily a bad thing. This leads us to suggest Wildberry, Kiwi Passion Fruit Guava and Fizzy Cherry.
Virgo (August 23 - September 22)
If you want something done, and done well, Virgo is the sign to turn to. This earth sign keeps a level head, strives for excellence and dives into hard work where others can’t be bothered. Virgo’s need a reliable flavour that propels them to get things done. Nothing too mentally distracting without being boring. Ribena and Strawberry Bubblegum can accomplish this for you.
Libra (September 23 - October 22)
The ultimate mediator and carrier of deep wisdom, this cardinal air sign strives to achieve balance in every aspect of life, with a special emphasis on their behaviour and relationships. Libra’s will enjoy flavours which match their desire for harmony such as Honey Apple or Cream Tobacco.
Scorpio (October 23 - November 21)
Always leaving an air of mystery, Scorpio’s are easily, and often, the most misunderstood sign. The confusion in perceiving a Scorpio correctly isn’t entirely baseless as they are incredibly dynamic with their emotions. This elusive water sign calls for flavours like Vimto - the cocktail mixture of raspberries, grapes, black currants, herbs, and spices will please you.
Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21)
The sign which allows no barrier to stand in their way - perseverant Sagittarius is stimulated by knowledge of all kinds. Only cheeky flavours like Orange Soda and Cinnamon blends emulate this fire signs personality accurately.
Capricorn (December 22 - January 19)
There’s no time to waste when you’re living life as a Capricorn. They use their time wisely and live by the phrase “kill two birds with one stone”. Cap’s will most appreciate a consistently enjoyable taste such as Blueberry or their favourite fruit. No blends needed here.
Aquarius (January 20 - February 18)
Known to want to break records and make waves in the areas of their interest, Aquarius thinks with innovation in mind to achieve their goals. Motivated to achieve greatness for the betterment of those around them, a Skittles or Double Cheese e-liquid aligns with their unapologetic uniqueness.
Pisces (February 19 - March 20)
The most intuitive and sensitive of the zodiac bunch - Pisces don’t miss a beat. As the final sign, Pisces is open to trying something at least once, giving them their diverse collection of life lessons. Spending their time partly on earth and partly in the fantasy land of their minds, flavours like Chocolate Brownie Cookies and Cherry Cola will resonate with this water sign.
To experiment with the full range of NFuze e-liquid blends and infusions, click here.